ETHSydney Meetup June 2023 Summary

a summary for June meetup

📣 ETHSydney - June meetup intro! 🚀

Event details -

Speech summary

Topic 1

Title: The evolution of Uniswap - ETH pairs, flash swaps, concentrated liquidity to hooks


This topic aims to explore the evolutions of Uniswap, a popular decentralized exchange built on the Ethereum blockchain. Attendees could gain insights into the latest and innovative features, challenges, and future prospects of Uniswap.

One of the highlights of the topic is a presentation on the GitHub repository called “tx2uml,” specifically focusing on the Uniswap examples. The presentation showcased UML for the transaction of Uniswap contracts, providing valuable insights into their functionalities and interactions.

In this topic, Nick demostrated how to swap from V1 to V3 in Uniswap, and also introduced the new features like hooks, time-weighted average market maker (TWAMM), and new architecture to save gas (change one singeton pool contract to multiple contracts).

playback for topic 1 from Nick

Topic 2

Title: Building Chadex (WIP), a fully peer-to-peer non-custodial on-chain orderbook ERC-20/ERC-20 DEX, using Red-Black trees


Bokky illustrated a sexy code for chadex repo, which is a non-custodial peer-to-peer ERC-20/ERC-20 decentralised exchange protocol.

Chadex was launched several years ago, and fully on-chain ERC-20/ERC-20 DEX using Red-Black Trees and queues for sorted orderbook executions. Some key features are:

  • Users permit the chadex smart contract to perform ERC-20 token transfers
  • Users express their desire to exchange ERC-20 tokens to other ERC-20 tokens by adding orders to the exchange
  • If the prices match between users, the exchange takes place automatically.

The full demo is –> chadex demo

No playback for topic 2.

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Who we are looking for

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  • Hackathon volunteers (Late November 2023)
  • Volunteers for ETHSydney 2024 (tbd)
  • Sponsors for hackathon and ETHSydney

If you’re interested in the volunteers or sponsors, fill in application form.

See also